
Dr. Madson Cortes

Assistant Professor

Department of Systems and Energy
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
State University of Campinas

Room 213-A, 400 Albert Einstein

Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, 13083-852
Phone: +55 (19) 3521-3750

Researcher ID
Google Scholar
CV Lattes (in Portuguese)

Research Interests:

  • Distribution systems;
  • Distribution system state estimation;
  • Distributed generation;
  • Impact of renewable in power systems;
  • Smart grids.

Current students/fellows:

Ph.D. students:
  • Paulo A. Holanda Cavalcante
  • Fabiano Schmidt
  • Rafael Schincariol da Silva
  • Victor Pellanda Dardendo

M.Sc. students:

  • Rodrigo F. G. Sau
  • David Andrés Sarmiento Nova
  • Felipe Mores Laburú
  • Thiago Fernandes Ramos
  • Diogo Ferreira Lopes

Research Opportunities

If you are interested in join my research group, please send me an e-mail as soon as possible. It would be great if you could send this email at least two months prior the dates below.

The subscriptions dates for our program are:

20/08 - 30/09:To start in February (First term)

10/03 - 20/04: To start in July (Second term)